Official introductions thread

I'm new to the boards here, but I've been visiting Zophar since 1999 when I first learned about emulation. What a great time it was. I remember this site being number one for emulators. Let's put it back on top, where it belongs. ^_^
even though I sorta introduced myself in another thread, I'll run a bit of back story. I've been here since ooooh 2002 off and on. For the first part of it I was an idiot, but I've gotten better over the years. I too am hoping to see ZD go back to it's former glory. I think this is possible now with that fucktard sam out of the picture. Anywho here's to hoping that ZD will relive its glory days. I'll try to offer assistance wherever possible like in the forums and such. We'll see where it goes.
so, are you pretty? :3

With a post like that I'm questioning your maturity.

How old are you, again??

I'll try to offer assistance wherever possible like in the forums and such. We'll see where it goes.

Your post towards Sara is the way you assist?? Sounds like a good way of assisting people. Or did you only say that because she's a girl?? Which shows even less maturity.
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Hey everyone.

Man, I'm psyched. I've been using ZD for a LONG time (about 7 years) but I'm so glad it's being re-launched. Anyway, I'm happy to be here, and look forward to seeing what new stuff might appear on ZD.

Best wishes,
Hey DynaShock. Welcome to the forums.

I've been lurking around on ZD ever since...about 2001. Never registered in the forums, but I figured "With a ZD getting a fresh, why not?" So here I am. I asked Edman if I could help out, and he was generous enough to let me.
Finally join the siteplace

I heard of Zophar's Domain for a long time. So I thought I should join the forums. I'm new to this place and I have my own forum. I've been ROM-Hacking for more than 3 years and somewhat experienced.

I've been to many ROM-Hacking or Emulation forums and thought I should join this one too.
Oh i thought you had 94 in your name because that year was excellent. I have to agree as well, 94 ftw
Wow, snazzy new forums. New Soul Calibur game as well, so Tira gets a new look too. If anyone knows an easy way to get an alpha transparency on an image with a white background like this, please do tell. Internet Explorer 6 may not be able to handle it, but anyone using that deserves to see broken pages.

Incidentally, I got this avatar on my very first attempt at it. I cropped original the image down until it looked right, resized it to 120 pixels wide, and it came out at 120x120! A little sharpening and I was done. It's also about 6KB smaller than the old avatar was.

Edit: Eureka! Remembered that I actually did this before (and even posted about it), though it was a bit trickier this time around. It's also about 6KB bigger (30295 bytes vs. 24715 bytes), making it almost exactly the same size I started with (30757 bytes). This one should look good on any theme though.
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Apparently I or someone with the same e-mail address also had an account here. It would not seem as if I used it very often, however.
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I like the new look. Had to re-register, though.

Heeey, Flash. I haven't seen you in're things?

Also, this is giving me a good feeling. I've seen people post here today that I haven't seen on the Zophar forums in quite a time.
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