30+ Pieces of Inspiring, Funny and Interesting Advice


Active member
WTF? The General Chat area of the forums has been absolutely void of activity for a few days now. Well I guess I'll post just so there will be some thing new to read.

This I thought I should share since it contains many absolute truths no matter who you are or where you live. Some I knew but could never had put into words as well as the original authors. Just seeing how elegantly they expressed everything made me smile since I had never thought these thoughts could be written so elegantly so anyone could appreciate them.

30+ Pieces of Inspiring, Funny and Interesting Advice


Now anyone have any thoughts they use to keep their life on track or just make it a bit better?

I have this one I'll share.

I sometimes heard this joke from friends or on a TV show and if you make it to yourself you can catch yourself being just lazy or passive when you shouldn't and then you realize it and do something about it.

I like the joke "It ain't/isn't gonna _________ itself". As in "The garbage isn't going to empty itself" "The dishes aren't going to clean themselves" "That woman isn't going to ask you out herself" "That loose bolt isn't going to tighten itself" and one for moments like this "This forum isn't going to post itself :)."

I basically get a lot more done and quit sitting around thinking that I have so much shit that needs to be done and not doing a thing about it.
As far as thoughts I try to keep, it's that it's usually pointless to sweat the small stuff. Say, for example, some random person is a huge jerk to you. There's not really anything you can do, you don't even know this person...some people would let it ruin their day, but it's not really worth it to me. I'd rather do something else other than stress out over something I can't control that I'll forget about tommorow anyway.
As far as thoughts I try to keep, it's that it's usually pointless to sweat the small stuff. Say, for example, some random person is a huge jerk to you. There's not really anything you can do, you don't even know this person...some people would let it ruin their day, but it's not really worth it to me. I'd rather do something else other than stress out over something I can't control that I'll forget about tommorow anyway.

Not letting someone control your emotional state or mood or even reacting to them is a sign of dominance and maturity. Most people think dominance is physical like ultimate fighting or strength when in fact it's a state of mind and using intelligence to judge what action or lack of will produce the outcome that is in you best interest.

I like you know this already and it sure makes life a lot better when it basically seems to be working against you since your actions do determine your future since there is no such thing as fate just choices and the occasional unforeseen accident which though not unavoidable can be lessened through controlled reaction to said situation.

Yeah a lot of big words that basically come down to the old saying "bending like a reed in the wind". :)
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