Nintendo Utilities

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Name Description
Adventure Island "Collection" Cheater This tool is a collection of Save State Editors for all four NES Adventure Island games, and both SNES Adventure Island games. For Adventure Island (1) and Super Adventure Island only lives can be edited, but the others have many more features.
Adventures of Lolo II SSE This is a savestate editor for the game Adventures of Lolo II.
Adventures of Lolo SSE This is a savestate editor for the game Adventures of Lolo.
Casino Kid II SSE This is a savestate editor for the game Casino Kid II
Castlevania SSE This is a savestate editor for the game Castlevania
Cryztals This is a save state editor for Crystalis. It works with FCE Ultra save states only.
Dragon Ball Z 1 Save State Editor This editor is designed to work with Nesticle. It allows you to edit sprites, statistics, etc.
Dragon Ball Z 2 Save State Editor This editor is designed to work with Nesticle. It allows you to edit statistics, items, and cards.
Dragon Ball Z 3 Save State Editor This editor is designed to work with Nesticle. It allows you to edit the statistics and choose your character.
Dragon Warrior 1 Savestate Editor A Nesticle-format Save State editor for Dragon Warrior 1. Allows modification of gold, experience points, and collected items/weapons/armor.
Dragon Warrior 2 Savestate Editor A Nesticle-format Save State editor for Dragon Warrior 2. Allows modification of gold, strength, agility, HP/max HP, MP/max MP, experience and items.
Dragon Warrior 3 Editor A Nesticle-format Save State editor for Dragon Warrior 3. Changes character names, stats, and gold.
Dragon Warrior 4 Savestate Editor A Nesticle-format Save State editor for Dragon Warrior 4. Allows modification of gold, strength, agility, luck, intelligence, vitality, HP/max HP, MP/max MP, experience and items.
Duck Tales Hacker This is a Save State Editor for Nesticle save states. It allows you to edit your stats such as money, time, and health.
FFse This is a fairly comprehensive Final Fantasy 1 SRAM edits pretty much everything I can think of except for the state of the airship (wether you have it, etc). Worth a download, certainly, if you want to cheat like crazy in FF1.
Final Fantasy 1 Save State Editor A save state editor for Final Fantasy 1 (NES) for DOS. This editor allows you to edit party stats, inventory, and characters. This utility was written using Visual Basic 3.0, and you may need the runtime files.
Final Fantasy 1 Save State Editor This is a Nesticle savestate editor for Final Fantasy 1.
Final Fantasy 2j Save State Editor A save state editor for Final Fantasy 2j (NES) for DOS. This editor allows you to edit party stats, inventory, and characters. It was designed for, and recommended to be used on, the save states from Nesticle x.xxThe source code is also avaliable. Written in Basic.
Final Fantasy 2j Save State Editor Based loosely on the source for the preceding FF2j editor by SquareHead01. Allows similar modification of stats, item inventory and gil. Revised Quickbasic source is included in the package.
Final Fantasy 3j Hacker This is a Save State Editor for NESten, RockNES, and Nesticle save states. It allows you to edit a wide variety of attributes (jobs, items, stats, equipment and such).
Final Fantasy 3j Save State Editor A save state editor for Final Fantasy 3j (NES) for DOS that has also been ported to Windows. This editor allows you to edit party stats, inventory, and characters. It was designed for, and recommended to be used on, the save states from Nesticle x.xxThe source code is also avaliable. Written in Basic.
Final Fantasy 3j Save State Editor (revision) A guy by the name of henry has made a revision of the old Final Fantasy 3j save state editor. This editor has a great GUI, and is easier to use. Check it out!
Final Fantasy II Editor The_Fake_God's 55th Save State Editor, this keeps a clean efficient interface with plenty of features. It works with Nesticle Save States.
Final Fantasy III (NES) Editor Editor for Final Fantasy IIIj Save States. Allows you to edit most anything about your characters in the game - Job, Level, HP, Stats, Items, Status Ailments, Money, and Class Points.
Game Genie Code Maker This crazy little util converts NES Game Genie codes into hex code and vice versa.
Gunsmoke This is a Nesticle savestate editor for the game Gunsmoke.
Hack4u This is an SRAM editor for the game "Ultima: Quest of the Avatar". It edits a lot of the various things one would want to edit in the SRAM of this game, including character names. The source is written in a way that it should work on most other platforms, currently Linux and Windows are officialy supported.
Iron Tank SSE This is a Nesticle savestate editor for the game Iron Tank. This editor edits fuel, bullets, score, hi score, # of tanks.
Megaman Collection Cheater This is a NESticle save state editor for every Megaman game that was released for the NES. The GUI is quite drab, and there are other editors (Save State Master) that do more of the same thing better.
Megaman II Hacker This is a Nesticle,FCE Ultra, and Rock NES savestate editor for the NES game Megaman 2.
Metroid Editor A Save State Editor for Metroid. Allows you to change number of Rockets, Energy Tanks, Give All Equipment, and/or Max out energy.
NesGG This visual basic program contains a massive archive of game genie codes for NES games. If you want a well organized collection of them, look no further.
Star Tropics II - Zoda's Revebge SSE This is a savestate editor for the game Star Tropics II - Zoda's Revebge
Super Mario Bros Hacker This is a Save State Editor for Super Mario Bros. It can edit lives and coins.
Super Mario Brothers III Hacker Editor for NESten Save States. Allows you to change lives, current suit, items, cards, and coins.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hacker Editor for NESten and RockNES Save States. Edits special weapons, amount of the special weapons and can restore health.
Ultima II: The Quest of the Avatar Map Editor This is a good Map Editor for Ultima II: The Quest of the Avatar which allows you to edit Overworld Maps, Items, Prices of Items, Characters, etc.
VISINE This is a Megaman II Level editor for DOS. It can edit all the robots and the wily levels. Has Full level color edition and Object support.
z2SE This is an SRAM editor for Zelda II - The Adventure of Link. It would appear to be able to change just about anything you could want in the, magic levels, special sword techs, everything.
Zelda 2 Edit Save state editor for Legend of Zelda II. Compatible with Nesticle save states only.
Zelda 2 Save State Editor This savestate editor edits Nesticle savestates for the game Zelda 2.
ZELDIT Save state editor for Legend of Zelda. It can edit levels 1 and 2, monsters, upper/lower doors, floors and title of level 1.