GameBoy Advance Utilities

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Name Description
GameBuilder This is a GBA utility made to create and edit games. You can use a map and sprite editor so far in its current release. Keep an eye out on this for more updates.
GameGenie Thing A Utility for manipulating SNES GameGenie codes written by Sephiroth2k of the Pocketheaven forums. It can convert SNES GG ROM Address SNESAdvance Patch. It supports HiROM/LoROM codes, and also has an OpCode lookup feature.
GBA Color Picker This is a program that lets you pick out Gameboy Advance-compatible colors via scrollbars/sliders and displays information about each color value.
NEStoGBA This Utility allows you to write multiple NES ROMs to one menu-driven GBA ROM as well as providing a variety of other features that let you manipulate the ROMs. This is for use with the PocketNES emulator for Gameboy Advance.
PogoShell Studio This is a program for making your PogoShell ROM...this is for anyone who is tired of the way you generally have to build your PogoShell, and wishes they had an easy to use graphical interface for making the ROM.
PogoShell Theme Editor This is a fairly comprehensive program to edit your PogoShell theme. Change the background picture, the colors of the menus, the font used, just about anything is in this program somewhere and can be changed. It's quite cool for someone using PogoShell and is tired of the old snail background, or any of the other backgrounds available in the default PogoShell installation.
SRAM Explorer This is a very useful utility for dealing with PogoShell's SRAM....there are versions for PogoShell 1.x and 2.x (they handle SRAM differently...there is a difference). Basically, you can create a dump of all your FlashCart's SRAM, and this program will allow you to extract individual saves from PogoShell's SRAM, and add new files as well. Also you can overwrite the files in the archive with an updated SRAM if you wish, or just delete a file altogether. Very useful for someone using PogoShell!