Other Emulators

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Name Description
DarcNesCE H/PC This is a port of DarcNes for the H/PC. I would not expect much since the homepage is not well documented and this is the first release.
GuineaPig GuineaPig is a Genesis, TG-16, and Mastersystem/GameGear emulator for PalmOS 5 devices. It currently requires that ROMs be on some sort of expansion media and a newer Palm for it to work decently.
MorphGear MorphGear is a multi-system emulator that lets you use different system through the usage of modules. It is capable of emulating GameBoy Color, GBA, NES, SNES, GameGear, MasterSystem, Genesis and TG-16.
SmartGear SmartGear is a multi-system emulator. Currently it supports the GameBoy, GameBoy Color, NES, GameGear, MasterSystem, TurboGrafx-16, and Genesis/MegaDrive. This is a trial version, the full version must be paid for and registered.

Other Emulators on Other Platforms

Windows (22)
Linux (5)
Macintosh (4)
-- Playstation Portable (3)
-- GP2X (1)
Palm OS (3)