Final Fantasy II Hacks

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Name Description
Celes + Terra This ROM hack alters the game into a story mostly centered on characters from at least one other game in the Final Fantasy series, notably Celes and Terra. The game was modified to a large degree. Both graphics (mainly character graphics) and text were modified. One character was even changed into a totally new character. The text was changed from a base script of J2E’s translation of the game. The game is now more female related. It is also a bit lesbian in nature, centering on the relationship of Celes and Terra.
Final Fantasy 2 Enhancement Another game hack for Final Fantasy 2 for the Super Nintendo, where the text has been greatly altered and the dummied items have been restored.
Final Fantasy 2: Directors Cut A smaller hack that Non-cheeseball, this one only changes the missing things that were censored or removed.
Final Fantasy 2: Non-Cheeseball Edition Here's an interesting idea...add back all the stuff to FF2 that Nintendo took out. Much of the text is also changed.
Final Fantasy II US HardType+ (FF2usHT) This is a modification of the game Final Fantasy 2 US Version 1.0. This makes the game MUCH harder and adds a bit of new flavor throughout the game. Expect to see new monsters and many items from the original Japanese FF4 restored.
Rydia's Restored Power This patch will give Rydia a new command to replace her lost white magic when she matures: a random called monster that costs her no MP.

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