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I am working this hotel. Easy fucking job, but, the people! Fuck! Its like shit can you be that dumb! For some fucking reason they are all scared to give me their key cards. This one lady was said some shit that her credit card info might get stolen if she gave the key back. I said no, your cards info is in the computer not the key. She could keep the key all she wanted its just they don't have to and I can reuse it. It keeps with waist. Then today this one dude told me that they have personal info on them. Then I told him that all it does is puts the room #, date, and time. He told me I was wrong. What the hell? Like I wouldn't know. He said he saw it on dateline or some fucking show. WHAT? Okay guy, 1 why the fuck would it have that kind of shit on there to open a fucking door? 2 Do you know how many brands there are of key door openers and makers? NO! I am not going to look them up but I am fucking sure there are ALOT! Not to mention that most are custom made! 3 the only thing it is plugged into is the wall (FOR POWER) and the side door. Thats it. The others run on batteries. How the hell could your info get to the card unless you write it onto it yourself and put it fucking there. So I know that there are going to be more people to bitch about their shit on the fucking card. Even though its not that really a big deal but people for some fucked up reason like to bitch about really stupid shit. And no they do this on their own when I just ask (not demand) their card back. Fuck you dateline or what ever that show that they saw on TV is!

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The pipes clangor all the time!</P>
Warn the next such paranoiac that a note that says "Doesn't return his hotel keycards." will get added to his credit report.
Five bucks says he'll believe it.

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