University professors are full of shit


New member
If you go to college, you can meet some people who really know some amazing stuff. They may be native-born Americans who can read ancient Japanese, for example. But beware, because when it comes to any and all other human affairs, they can be some of the brick-dumbest people you will ever encounter.

There are so many details to my story that it makes even my own head hurt to think about it all, so I'll spare you guys the pain. Suffice to say, though, that because my professors made some bullshit decisions regarding my foreign exchange and the credit I should have received from it, I'm going to have to stay in town for another 8 months and blow off a shoe-in opportunity for a job in Japan that would pay me $35,000/yr. This is (or rather, that was) about as good a deal as someone in my position could hope for right out of the gate.

The worst part is that now, at this late stage, some of my professors are realizing that they made a mistake. And be assured, every single other party I've talked to about this thought it was a mistake from the beginning. So now there's going to be a stupid blame game where the professor-cult bands together and makes everything out to be my fault. I know I'm supposed to just smile and nod through the whole thing, but part of me wants to tell them to go fuck themselves. One fine day, maybe I will.

Thus, one of the chief lessons I learned in college is not to trust anyone to make the right decisions for you. You've got to fight, fight, and fight some more to the very limit of what you can do for anything you have a stake in. Don't even think about letting someone's higher status hold you back, either. If I had been as aggressive as possible from day one, I might, just might, not be in this mess.

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> If you go to college, you can meet some people who really
> know some amazing stuff. They may be native-born Americans
> who can read ancient Japanese, for example. But beware,
> because when it comes to any and all other human affairs,
> they can be some of the brick-dumbest people you will ever
> encounter.

Academics are generally immature self-absorbed sociopaths.
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