Fla Flash
Staff (News -- Rom Hacking)
I probably have over 10,000 retro ROMs, but I bet I've actually played a large chunk of them at least once or twice. Mostly, I have them for when I get bored and go searching for a new hacking project, or so that I already have them on hand when someone else releases a hack that sounds interesting.
Now, as for music... I have a habit of downloading entire discographies at a time, so I do have quite a bit of music that I've never listened to. I have several albums recommended by people that I haven't got around to listening to yet, I've got albums by bands who's other albums I liked that I haven't listened to yet and I've got random shit who's title's just sounded interesting but I don't know anything about it that I haven't listened to yet. But while back, I built a playlist in Songbird that contains all of the albums I haven't listened to yet, so I'm trying to clear at least one or two albums off of it each weekend.
I'm in the same position as far as the roms are concerned, but music I only dl when it's something older and harder to find. I'm not a big fan of most of the music out nowadays...the most recent CD I purchased was Will Smith's Lost And Found.