Brooksie's Back

> Hi guys... Been a while I suppose. What new chicks have you
> acquired for the board?

er.. Jenny... Jenny Glass.

yes she exists, no i'm not lying. Hooray, welcome back <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>

<P ID="signature"><center>I'm just a Paranoid Android watching through my superb crystal viewing glass

.::</a> ::.
Whoa! Bigeezes Kui when mad there.
Fine you get dancing Multi for that.

<P ID="signature"><hr>


Oh no your back I thought..... I mean welcome back Kagome. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

<P ID="signature">Well there's one thing that makes the world at least tolerable.
Well maybe toterable as Bozo the fucken clown nailed to a white wall is tolerable.
-Quote from The Ranting Gryphon-
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