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  1. Zophar

    Zophar's Domain turns 27 years old today!

    Greetings, mortals. Today marks the 27th anniversary of Zophar's Domain. It's hard to believe that 27 years ago on this very day, I uploaded the very first index.html file to ZipLink Dialup ISP with a GameGear-style image-mapped graphic that made up the first six emulation sections of Zophar's...
  2. Zophar

    Zophar's Retro Rewind Trailer - new YouTube series starting 11.9.23

    Greetings, mortals. I've been working on an emulation retrospective YouTube series for the last few months and I'm happy to report that episode 1 will officially be dropping on 11.9.23, the 27th anniversary of the day I uploaded notepad-edited HTML files into the massive space known as the...
  3. Zophar

    Zophar's "Twitch Partner Reveal Video" released

    Greetings, mortals. I've posted the video I created for the moment I revealed that we achieved Twitch Partnership status, which took place on Saturday, August 23rd, 2023). Check it out, and I hope you enjoy the insanity that ensued. Zophar's Twitch Partner Reveal Video P.S. - Keep your eyes...
  4. Zophar

    Virtual Hydlide Speedruns, oh dear!

    Greetings, mortals! I've been spending time these last few months speedrunning the most, ahem, interesting Sega Saturn Action-RPG ever... Virtual Hydlide! Because... reasons. I'm happy to tell you that now we have an article from the people behind to tell you more about it. If...
  5. Zophar

    Thank you for 26 years!

    Good evening, mortals. 26 years ago on November 9th, 1996, I asked: what if all emulators, utilities, and news about them were all in one place? Zophar's Domain was born and flourished for years and is still here to this day thanks to all of you! I'd like to thank the following people for...
  6. Zophar

    merritt k interviews Zophar

    Greetings, mortals. I sat down with merritt k a few months ago and was interviewed around what our emulation community was like back in the 1996-2000 era. The full interview is below, along with my YouTube (video content) and Twitch (streaming content) channels. Enjoy! merritt k interviews...
  7. Zophar

    New Saturn Core for MiSTer available!

    Greetings, mortals! The Sega Saturn core on the MiSTer has been updated! If you've got a MiSTer (as I do - and they are awesome!) - head to Sergey Dvodnenko's GitHub page and download it. (You'll need to be signed in to Github to see the links). Make sure to download the right core (single ram...
  8. Zophar

    Catch me on Twitter and Twitch

    Greetings, mortals! Hope everyone's doing well! Some of you have been asking about ways to contact me, so I thought I'd make a quick post with the best ways to reach me: Twitter: TheRealZophar ( - I typically tweet about random musings, emulation, gaming, my...
  9. Zophar

    New MiSTer Core: Super Game Boy

    Greetings, mortals. A new core for the MiSTer has been released - Super Game Boy! - Check out all the information on the Official MiSTer FPGA forum for change logs and updates as the MiSTer project continues to grow and mature. - If you want to see the MiSTer in action, Zophar's Realm streams...
  10. Zophar

    Zophar's Domain featured in Fanbyte Youtube series, "Forgotten Worlds"

    Greetings, users of the domain! Last week, Merritt k of Fanbyte fame released a new short video in her "Forgotten Worlds" series - and this one is all about emulation in the late 90s and early 2000s. Zophar's Domain is featured (Merritt contacted me a few months ago for research for this piece)...
  11. Zophar interviews Zophar

    I recently sat down with Bob from for an interview podcast for the first time since returning to the community. Check it out here:
  12. Zophar

    Celebrating 25 years of NESticle: 342KB that changed emulation forever

    NESticle turned 25 years old this week! it's hard to believe that so much time has past since this tiny piece of NES emulation software (NESticle.exe 0.20 was just 342 KB!) exploded onto the scene on Thursday, April 3, 1997. I wanted to take a moment to thank Icer Addis for his contributions to...
  13. Zophar

    Zophar returns... with retro streaming!

    Greetings to the Domain! I hope you all have been staying healthy and safe during these past few years. I'm very happy to see the site still here over 25 years since its founding on November 9, 1996. I could never have imagined all these years later the impact it would end up having! I just...
  14. Zophar

    Icer Addis releases SNESTicle source code!

    Greetings! I have not posted emulation news in a very long time, but thought it important to let you all know that Icer Addis ("Sardu of NESticle/Genecyst/Callus fame) has released the long-rumored SNESticle source code on GitHub yesterday. For those who may not remember or may not have been...
  15. Zophar

    Happy Birthday ZD!

    Hard to believe it's been 24 years. Happy birthday ZD!
  16. Zophar

    Consider retro design? I rather miss that look... :) Maybe what's needed to give the site a little kick is to "re-retro" the retro?
  17. Zophar

    Dead Links

    I know, I know, it's weird for me to be making a suggestion, right? But.... there are quite a few dead links on the main page of, specifically under "hosted sites"... probably not a bad idea to clean those up? :)
  18. Zophar

    Can't believe it's been over 20 years

    Good evening, all! Haven't been on in a while, but with the 20th anniversary of NESticle upon us, I thought I'd pop in and say hi. What's everyone been up to?
  19. Zophar

    11-9-96...13 years later and still here!

    Hey everyone, I know I don't drop by very often but, at least for me, 13 has always been a lucky number. I'm really glad to see the site is still around - though leadership has changed many times over the years and the site has gone through a lot of changes and facelifts, typing in the words...
  20. Zophar

    The sad state of my computer, where've I been?

    Hello all, So yup... my computer took a poop on me a little while back. Finally back up and running - being a manager really sucks during the holidays - especially when Circuit City goes bankrupt at the conclusion of the holidays and therefore the holidays don't really end in January! Looking...
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