Recent content by Ganheim

  1. G

    G.I. Joe

    Disclaimer: this was copied from Dream and Write, and that post was copied from somewhere else. I'm just curious as to what responses I might see to this. Like many others from my generation, my favorite cartoon of all was G.I. Joe. I can't bear to imagine how different this show would be...
  2. G

    C&C: Generals Crashing

    Being a fan of the Command & Conquer series, I was excited to purchase "Command & Conquer: Generals" (of course, I'm dirt poor, which is why I just got into it recently and am posting now). My computer has better than the recommended specs, and the analyzing program on the CD itself said there...
  3. G

    Trial ROMS

    Since this is relatively emulation-related, I thought I'd pose this question: What do any of you out there think of downloading ROMs for games you don't own to test them out before deciding to buy them? And yes, I've done this. I downloaded "Oracle of Seasons" for the GBC, and after playing...
  4. G

    My First Book Complete!

    I have been working on Life of the Silver Tear for years, and I've finally finished volume one in the novella series. I've even finally finished assembling the Prologue for the next volume. Hooray for me! So...anybody want to check it out and tell me what you think? I'd really appreciate...
  5. G

    Authoring and Editing

    Has anybody been to FictionPress? I've been writing for a while, my stuff is on I've got several stories in different genres, and I accept anonymous reviews (if you haven't registered there), so go ahead and tell me what you think. Just, try to keep the...
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